Friday Favorites: Volume 2
What is up? It is FRIDAY again, thank the Lord. After returning to work from a glorious Italian vacation I could not be happier that it is alllllmost the weekend. I'm sharing some of my favorite things in Volume 2 of my Friday Favorites today! Did you see Volume 1? You can read it here ! If you already saw it, did you try out any of my faves? I'd love to hear more about anything you loved, too!!!! Comment on this post or on social media, I wanna know! Ok... back to it. Here are my Friday Favorites for this week! 1. LEKFIT - real talk. I've been trying to get more consistent with my workouts. This started before vacation with trying to get back into my running and some of my favorite at-home workout videos. But as I tried to do them, I felt bored. Like I had done them all before (because I had!). I needed something NEW to motivate me. I follow Busy Phillips on IG and this girl loves her LEKFIT so I decided to look into it. Basically, this chic dancer babe has put t...