Think Dirty, Live Clean
Have you ever had one of those "ah-ha!" moments? Friends - I've had a BIG one all due to one little app I downloaded recently. As I've gotten more and more obsessed with essential oils, I started to hear about an app called Think Dirty. Basically, after you download it you can look up any household items, from cleaners to toothpaste to makeup to laundry detergent, and see how "dirty" these products are. They are rated from 0-10 and are also indicated by color. Green = clean. Yellow = Meh. Not so bad, but you could do better. Red = GET THAT STUFF OUTTA YOUR HOUSE NOW. There are a few considerations here that you can use your discretion with. One is that a top 'red' indicator is fragrance, which can be a hormone disruptor and an allergen. Unless the ingredient is specified as a natural or organic fragrance, it is automatically marked as a red. This was hugely scary to me as I first started to check items such as body wash ...